(UnitedVoice.com) – For years, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) USA has raised money to support the United Nations agency that looks after Palestinian refugees. However, since Hamas launched its attack on Israel last October, it’s become clear that some of that agency’s staff are actively involved in terrorism. Now, survivors of the October 7 massacre, and the relatives of some victims, are suing the nonprofit for funding Hamas’s campaign of violence.
The UNRWA was set up in 1949 to support Palestinian refugees who fled their homes when the newly-founded state of Israel was attacked by its Arab neighbors in 1948. Over 75 years later, there are more Palestinian “refugees” than ever, most of whom have never even been to the land they want to “return” to, and UNRWA is still running schools, distributing food, and lobbying for Palestinian rights. However, since the October 7 massacre, Israel has accused multiple UNRWA staff of supporting Hamas and even actively taking part in the atrocity. The agency has suspended 12 of its local employees, but the US, UK, and other major donors have cut off funds to UNRWA until it puts its house in order.
Now, 10 people who either survived the October 7 attack or had relatives who didn’t, are suing UNRWA USA, a nonprofit that raises funds for the UN agency and lobbies on its behalf. The group has filed suit in the US District Court for Delaware, and they allege the 501(c)(3) organization is “inextricably linked” to Hamas.
Mark Goldfeder, an attorney for the plaintiffs, says UNRWA USA didn’t stop sending money to UNRWA in Gaza until March 1 — over a month after Israel submitted its evidence of UNRWA staff taking part in the massacre. He added that the charity continued to “operate a terrorist financing scheme in violation of federal law.” It’s illegal for US citizens to provide material support to a terrorist group.
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