Union Leader Facing Federal Investigation

(UnitedVoice.com) – United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain oversaw a massive auto strike last year. The union received major concessions from the big three auto manufacturers as a result. Now, the union boss is under federal investigation.
In 2021, the UAW agreed to allow a court-appointed monitor to oversee the union after a shocking embezzlement and bribery scandal led to the convictions of multiple senior officials. That monitor, Neil Barofsky, issued his ninth report to Judge David M. Lawson on June 10 in the US District Court in Detroit, Michigan. In it, he revealed he’s investigating several UAW officials, including Fain.
According to Barofsky, there have been multiple disagreements on UAW’s International Executive Board over the last several months. Fain is accused of clashing with Secretary-Treasurer Margaret Mock. In February, the board supported a push by Fain to strip Mock of all of her field assignments that weren’t “constitutionally required to be within her remit.”
The board also made other changes after allegations came to light that Mock had allegedly committed acts of misconduct related to her financial oversight responsibilities. The secretary-treasurer disputed the allegations, according to Barofsky. She accused Fain of retaliating against her because she wouldn’t approve expenditures that benefited him. As a result, she said there were false allegations made against her and Fain moved to strip her of her duties.
Barofsky responded to the conflicting claims by launching an investigation. He later expanded the probe to include more allegations of retaliation against Fain. Those came from one of the union’s vice presidents.
Fain has endorsed President Joe Biden for reelection. Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly spoken out against the union boss and accused him of not having the workers’ best interest in mind. The new investigation certainly raises questions about Fain’s leadership at the powerful union. It’s not clear when Barofsky is going to wrap up his probe. He mentioned the union has not been fully cooperative.
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