Psaki to Issue Retractions After Getting Caught in Big Lie

Psaki Sets the Record Straight: The Power of Honest Corrections in Political Media

It seems former White House press secretary Jen Psaki has found herself in a bit of a pickle. In a twist that would make even the most seasoned spin doctor blush, Psaki has agreed to retract a false claim from her book “Say More” about President Biden’s conduct during a solemn ceremony for fallen U.S. troops. As conservative patriots, we’ve always known the importance of holding our leaders accountable, regardless of party affiliation. So, let’s dive into this tangled web of misinformation and set the record straight, shall we?

The Watch That Ticked Off a Nation

At the heart of this controversy is a ceremony honoring 13 U.S. service members killed in a terrorist attack during the Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021. Psaki’s book claimed that President Biden did not check his watch during this solemn event. However, photographic and video evidence, along with fact-checkers, confirmed that Biden did, in fact, glance at his timepiece multiple times during the ceremony. This discrepancy caught the attention of Gold Star families, who rightfully took offense to the false narrative being pushed.

A Belated Acknowledgement

Facing mounting pressure from Gold Star families and media scrutiny, Psaki has reportedly agreed to retract the false claim and remove it from future editions of her book. Moreover, she has committed to apologizing for her misleading comments about the watch incident.

This retraction comes on the heels of Psaki’s closed-door interview with the House Foreign Affairs Committee regarding the 2021 Afghanistan evacuation. The timing of these events underscores the ongoing scrutiny of the Biden administration’s handling of the withdrawal and its aftermath.

The Importance of Accuracy in Public Communication

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the critical role accuracy plays in public communication, especially when it involves matters of national importance and the honoring of fallen heroes. As conservative readers, we’ve long emphasized the need for transparency and truthfulness in government dealings.

The White House has been called upon to address the mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal and take responsibility for its actions. This latest development with Psaki’s book only adds to the pressure on the administration to provide a full and accurate accounting of events.

Moving Forward: Lessons Learned

As we reflect on this episode, it’s crucial to remember that our criticism is rooted in a desire for respect and justice, not partisan politics. Gold Star families have emphasized that their concerns transcend political affiliations and focus on the proper honoring of their loved ones’ sacrifices.

In conclusion, this incident highlights the ongoing need for vigilance in our media consumption and the importance of holding public figures accountable for their statements. As we move forward, let’s hope that this serves as a lesson in the value of accurate reporting and respectful commemoration of our nation’s heroes.


  1. Psaki allegedly agreed to apologize for misleading comments
  2. Jen Psaki Says Her Joe Biden Watch Claim Will Be Removed From Book
  3. Jen Psaki to Remove False Account of Biden ‘Watch Check’ From Her New Book
  4. Jen Psaki forced to retract false book claim
  5. Psaki’s new book falsely recounts Biden’s watch check

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