Assault Weapons Ban Faces Potential Challenge in Supreme Court

Assault Weapons Ban Faces Potential Challenge in Supreme Court

In a stunning blow to Second Amendment rights, a federal appeals court has upheld Maryland’s controversial ban on so-called “assault weapons,” setting the stage for a potential Supreme Court showdown that could reshape gun rights across America.

At a Glance

  • Federal appeals court upholds Maryland’s ban on “assault weapons”
  • Law bans popular firearms like AR-15s and limits magazine capacity
  • Gun rights advocates plan to appeal to the Supreme Court
  • Decision could have far-reaching implications for Second Amendment rights

Maryland’s Assault on the Second Amendment

In a troubling development for law-abiding gun owners, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected arguments that Maryland’s 2013 ban on so-called “assault weapons” violates the Second Amendment. This draconian law, passed in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, prohibits dozens of popular firearms, including the AR-15 and AK-47, while also limiting magazine capacity to just 10 rounds.

The court’s decision, split 10-5, upholds a law that clearly infringes on the constitutional rights of Maryland citizens. Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III, writing for the majority, claimed that the banned weapons are “designed for sustained combat operations that are ill-suited and disproportionate to the need for self-defense.” This mischaracterization of modern sporting rifles shows a clear lack of understanding of the firearms in question and their legitimate uses for self-defense and sports shooting.

Dissenting Voices Stand Up for Freedom

Thankfully, not all judges on the 4th Circuit have forgotten their oath to uphold the Constitution. In a powerful dissent, Judge Julius Richardson forcefully argued that “The Second Amendment is not a second-class right subject to the whimsical discretion of federal judges. Its mandate is absolute and, applied here, unequivocal.”

Judge Richardson’s words serve as a stark reminder that our constitutional rights are under constant threat from activist judges who seek to rewrite the law based on their personal political preferences rather than the clear text of the Constitution.

The Fight Continues: Supreme Court Appeal on the Horizon

Despite this setback, Second Amendment advocates are not backing down. The Firearms Policy Coalition Inc., along with other pro-gun groups, is preparing to take this fight all the way to the Supreme Court. Brandon Combs, president of the coalition, declared their intentions in no uncertain terms:

“Our objective is simple: End all bans on so-called ‘assault weapons’ nationwide. And we look forward to doing just that,” – Brandon Combs, coalition president

This case presents a critical opportunity for the Supreme Court to reaffirm the individual right to keep and bear arms, as established in the landmark Heller decision. With the addition of pro-Second Amendment justices in recent years, there is hope that the Court will take up this case and strike down these unconstitutional bans once and for all.

A Call to Action

As patriotic Americans who value our constitutional freedoms, we must remain vigilant and engaged in this ongoing battle for our rights. The Maryland assault weapons ban is just one of many infringements on the Second Amendment happening across the country. It’s crucial that we support organizations fighting these legal battles, contact our representatives to voice our opposition to gun control measures, and exercise our rights responsibly.

The outcome of this case could have far-reaching implications for gun rights nationwide. As we await the Supreme Court’s decision on whether to hear this case, let us remember the words of our Founding Fathers and the importance of the Second Amendment in safeguarding all our other liberties. The fight for freedom is never over, and it’s up to each of us to do our part in preserving the rights that make America the land of the free and the home of the brave.


  1. A federal appeals court has upheld Maryland’s ban on assault-style weapons
  2. US Supreme Court rebuffs appeal over Maryland assault weapons ban
  3. Federal appeals court upholds Maryland’s ban on assault-style weapons
  4. A federal appeals court has upheld Maryland’s ban on assault-style weapons
  5. Federal appeals court upholds 2013 Maryland assault weapons ban