
UnitedVoice News brings you latest in political news, news about what’s going on in the world, and news about warnings and alerts. We scour the latest topics to bring you the news that is most important. When you want news with facts instead of one-sided views, this is the place to be!

Putin Gives Biden His Endorsement

( - Considering the serious doubts about President Biden’s fitness to serve a second term, and his catastrophic polling, you’d think he’d be grateful...

Activists Attack US Constitution

( - For years, conservatives have been warning that the US Constitution is under attack, but that danger has never been so literal before....

Super Bowl Parade Rocked by Tragedy

( - Quarterback Patrick Mahomes led the Kansas City Chiefs to a back-to-back Super Bowl win on February 11. The overtime win against the...

Deadly Attack on Civilian Target in Russian City

( - February 24 marks the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There are currently no peace talks taking place between the...

Grandfather Gunned Down While Trying to Apologize

( - Over a seven-year period, there were nearly 220 deaths and more than 12,600 accidents related to road rage. In 2022, someone was...

Senate Candidate Pushes for $50 an Hour Minimum Wage

( - Imagine what America would be like with a $50-an-hour minimum wage. The idea seems improbable. When a Senate candidate recently proposed just...

Iran Rocked By Explosions

( - Iran is considered the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. The government provides support to militant groups that then launch...

Trump Names His Pick to Replace RNC Chair

( - Ronna McDaniel is widely expected to step down as the head of the Republican National Committee after the South Carolina primary. She...

Senate Pushes Through Aid Bill for Multiple Foreign Countries

( - The fight over whether or not to send foreign aid to America’s allies continues to rage on Capitol Hill. After Republican lawmakers...

Hostages Rescued During Controversial Attack

( - Hamas kidnapped more than 200 hostages on October 7, during the terrorist attack on Israel. More than 100 have been released since...


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