Biden Puts Trump on Notice With Record-Breaking Haul
( - The 2024 election is likely to be one of the most watched in American history. The rematch between President Joe Biden and...
Putin Scores 6 More Years
(—Surprise! Vladimir Putin is still president of Russia after winning another election. Exit polls show it was a landslide victory in a race in...
Trump Makes New Senate Endorsements
( - Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is stepping down from his leadership role following the November elections. After nearly 20 years as the most...
Trump Smiling as Multiple Charges Dropped
( - Former President Donald Trump and his allies are facing multiple felonies in Fulton County, Georgia, over the election interference case. The presumptive...
Liberal Groups Unite to Defend ‘The Squad’
( - The notorious “Squad” of far-left House legislators is facing a serious threat at November’s elections. A pro-Israel group plans to fund challengers...
Oct 7 Survivors Sue American NonProfit For ‘Aiding and Abetting’ Hamas
( - For years, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) USA has raised money to support the United Nations agency that looks...
New Law Sees Trudeau’s Government Accused of Going Full ‘Orwellian’
( - Politicians around the world have criticized social media platforms for allowing hateful rhetoric, fake news, and even videos of vicious crimes to...
West Point Sparks Outrage With Recent Decision
( - The US Military Academy at West Point is more than 220 years old. It has educated and trained some of the most...
US Marines Deployed to Protect Embassy in Haiti
( - Haiti is in a state of chaos. Criminal gangs have managed to take control of the country and essentially exiled the prime...
Russia Faces Alleged Counter-Invasion
( - Russia invaded Ukraine more than two years ago. The fighting has largely stayed in Ukraine, though there have been missile strikes into...