FBI Agent Drops Bombshell Hunter Biden Testimony

(UnitedVoice.com) – The gun trial against President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, began on June 3 in a federal courtroom in Wilmington, Delaware. The prosecution presented its case the first week, and it was a doozy. An FBI agent even managed to debunk a longstanding theory spread by the Left about Hunter’s controversial laptop.

No Tampering

The Department of Justice has charged Hunter with felonies related to his ownership of a gun in 2018. The president’s son allegedly bought a firearm that year and filled out a form for a federal background check. On the form, he said that he was not a drug addict.

According to prosecutors, Hunter Biden was using drugs at the time. They have presented evidence to the jury to prove he was an active drug user when he filled out the form. On day three of the trial, June 5, Prosecutor Derek Hines held up the president’s son’s notorious laptop. He spoke to FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen and reminded her of the data that was taken from the laptop during the Department of Justice investigation.

Jensen confirmed the authenticity of the laptop. The agent said it was “the laptop that was recovered from the computer store.” She explained that the serial number on the computer matched the one provided by Apple. Her statement proves the laptop was not part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

Prosecutors showed the jury text messages that were stored on the laptop that Hunter Biden wrote admitting he was addicted to drugs. His defense attorneys have said that he might not have known he was addicted to drugs. The prosecution believes his texts refute that argument.

Biden’s Exes Testify

On the same day as the laptop’s appearance, Hunter’s ex-wife Kathleen Buhle also took the stand. She was married to the president’s son for two decades and has three daughters with him. Buhle told the court that she found a “crack pipe” in 2015 and said she confronted him. He admitted to her that he was using drugs.

Buhle said she regularly searched his car for drugs and tried to get him to go to rehab. The couple separated shortly after.

Hallie Biden, who dated Hunter and was married to his brother for more than a decade before his death, testified on June 6. She told the jury that Hunter introduced her to crack after Beau Biden died from brain cancer.

“It was a terrible experience that I went through and I’m embarrassed and I’m ashamed of that period of my life,” Hallie said.

Hallie said she threw the gun away in a public dumpster after finding it. She also testified that Hunter was using drugs at the time.

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