Inciting Protests? New Lawsuit Against Ocasio-Cortez & Co.

Inciting Protests? New Lawsuit Against Ocasio-Cortez & Co.

It seems the Left’s favorite group of progressive firebrands have found themselves in a bit of a legal pickle. Who would’ve thought that encouraging college students to turn their campus into a war zone might have consequences? Buckle up, patriots, because we’re diving into the lawsuit that’s got AOC and her merry band of alleged rabble-rousers squirming. This isn’t just another day in the political circus; it’s a stark reminder of the real-world impact when elected officials appear to forget they serve all Americans, not just their Twitter followers.

The Lawsuit: David vs. Goliath on Campus

Five anonymous Columbia University students, including two Jewish students, have filed a class-action lawsuit against Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jamaal Bowman, and Ilhan Omar. The suit alleges that these lawmakers incited and encouraged anti-Israel protests at Columbia University, leading to significant disruptions and alleged harassment of Jewish students.

The lawsuit claims that the Gaza Encampment protests were illegal, violated university rules, and caused real damages to the Columbia student body. The impact was far-reaching, affecting the academic pursuits of 36,000 students and leading to the cancellation of the university-wide commencement ceremony.

The Allegations: More Than Just Peaceful Protest

The lawsuit paints a troubling picture of the protests, describing incidents of masked individuals chanting, burning an Israeli flag, and throwing rocks. More seriously, it alleges that Jewish students were targeted and harassed.

“During the protests, I witnessed numerous offensive and antisemitic signs and messages, including antisemitic skunk posters with the Star of David” – Tim Doe (Anonymous student)

The Representatives are accused of not only encouraging these protests but also trespassing on campus and participating in the encampment despite restricted access. This alleged involvement goes beyond mere verbal support and into active participation in what the lawsuit describes as illegal activities.

The Impact: Education Interrupted

The protests led to significant disruptions at Columbia University. Classes were moved online, campus access was limited, and the university-wide commencement ceremony was canceled. These weren’t just minor inconveniences; they represented a fundamental disruption of the educational process.

“Those were real damages sustained by the 36,000 students at Columbia who chose to obey university rules, go to class, and pursue their education, only to be frustrated at the finish line by the … acts of their classmates and professors, with the assistance and encouragement of outside activists” – Lawsuit

The lawsuit alleges that these disruptions caused real, measurable harm to students who were simply trying to complete their education. It’s a stark reminder that political activism, when taken to extremes, can have unintended victims.

Legal Implications: A Test of Free Speech vs. Incitement

This lawsuit presents a fascinating legal challenge. On one hand, we have the First Amendment rights of the Representatives to express their political views. On the other, we have the allegation that their actions crossed the line from protected speech into illegal incitement.

The courts will have to grapple with several key questions: Did the Representatives’ actions constitute protected political speech, or did they cross into illegal incitement? Can elected officials be held liable for the actions of protestors they encourage? And what responsibility do universities have in balancing free speech with campus safety and educational continuity?

As this case progresses, it will likely set important precedents for the limits of political speech and the responsibilities of elected officials. Regardless of the outcome, it serves as a stark reminder that words and actions have consequences, especially when they come from those in positions of power.


  1. Squad members sued for ‘inciting’ Columbia anti-Israel encampment
  2. AOC, Jamaal Bowman, Ilhan Omar face class action lawsuit for Columbia encampment support
  3. ‘Squad’ Members Face Lawsuit Over ‘Inciting’ Columbia Riots
  4. Class action lawsuit filed against Reps Bowman, Omar, Ocasio-Cortez over Columbia protests
  5. Students Hit Leftist ‘Squad’ Members with Lawsuit for ‘Inciting’ Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

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‘Squad’ Encouraged Encampment Which Led to Harassment: Toensing and diGenova

Anonymous Students File Lawsuits: