News Network Says Goodbye to Human Anchors

News Network Says Goodbye to Human Anchors

( – In early 2023, Goldman Sachs predicted over 300 million jobs would be lost to artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the coming years. It’s already impacting jobs like writing and cashiering. A Los Angeles-based news outlet is now jumping on the bandwagon.

Channel 1 has announced it will be the world’s first AI-generated news network. The network plans to launch in 2024 and wants to be the first news station to use AI avatars in place of human anchors. interviewed Adam Mosam, the network’s founder, who promised his company wouldn’t misuse AI technology in the news reports. He wants to “get out in front of [it] and create a responsible use of the technology.” The station would use a combination of digital avatars made using doubles of actors, AI-generated people, and human anchors if a story is very important.

Mosam promised the channel would be transparent when it comes to where the footage the station uses in reports came from, specifically, what’s AI-generated and what’s real. He also promised humans would control the process to make sure the information was accurate. Channel 1 will get its information from freelance journalists, government documents, public records, and legacy media outlets.

The network founder said Channel 1 will offer a more personal experience on its upcoming app. He explained it will be styled like TikTok, and its algorithm will create a unique experience for each viewer.

Although Mosam gave many reassurances about quality, many people expressed concerns about taking jobs from human anchors. Ruby Media Group CEO Kristen Ruby posted about the new channel on X, formerly Twitter, and expressed concern about fake news. She said, “[T]he concept of fake news will have a totally different meaning” when the network does away with real people.

Others brought up the fact that when Gannett, a media company, used LedeAI to create AI-generated news for high schools, it was forced to shut the project down because of so many mistakes. Canadian reporter Alec Lazenby called the thought of Channel 1’s AI news “utterly utterly terrifying.”

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