(UnitedVoice.com) – Former Vice President Mike Pence dropped out of the 2024 presidential race last October. The longtime conservative wasn’t able to convince people he was the man for the job. Now, months later, he has a new gig.
On April 11, Grove City College announced it was establishing the Center for Faith & Public Life. Pence is helping launch the new initiative at the private, conservative Christian school by serving as the center’s distinguished visiting fellow.
According to the announcement, the new center will explore the presence of Christianity in public institutions. The school claims that the Christian faith is at risk in America because of the rise of secularism and the influence of people who they believe are “contentious.“ That is a belief that conservative Christians, like Pence, have long raised alarms about.
Pence will now play a key role in raising awareness of the historical link between faith and public life. He will also help find ways to integrate faith into public service. The school makes it clear that “public life” doesn’t just refer to politics or government service. It’s also about the media, businesses, and all other aspects of society.
The former vice president has always held his faith close to him. He’s made it very clear that his belief in God has guided his political career. His close ties with evangelical leaders made him an ideal running mate for Donald Trump in 2016. Now that his political career appears to have reached its end, Pence is returning to his roots.
Fox News Digital reported that the former vice president issued a statement calling it his “great honor” to serve as Grove City College’s visiting fellow. He explained, “Faith and engaging in public life are not mutually exclusive” and shouldn’t be. Pence said Christians have changed the world by “working toward the common good,” and the college has proven it’s committed to that goal by opening the Center for Faith & Public Life.
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