Sweeping Election Reforms: Governor’s Latest Move Explained

Sweeping Election Reforms: Governor's Latest Move Explained

It looks like the Old Dominion is taking a page out of the “common sense” playbook. Governor Glenn Youngkin has decided to put his foot down and ensure that Virginia’s elections are as secure as Fort Knox. With Executive Order 35, he’s not just talking the talk; he’s walking the walk. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how Virginia is setting the gold standard for election integrity.

Paper Ballots and Strict Chain of Custody

Governor Youngkin’s executive order mandates the use of 100% paper ballots with a strict chain of custody for all elections, including the upcoming 2024 presidential election. This move ensures a tangible record of every vote cast, making it easier to conduct audits and recounts if necessary.

The order also includes comprehensive counting machine testing procedures. These machines will never be connected to the internet, reducing the risk of external interference or hacking attempts.

Voter List Maintenance and Verification

One of the key aspects of the executive order is the emphasis on voter list maintenance. Virginia has already made significant strides in this area, as evidenced by recent data.

The order further strengthens voter verification measures by utilizing DMV data and other trusted sources, with daily updates to voter rolls. Virginia’s unique requirement of a full nine-digit Social Security number for voter registration, verified through electronic registration with the DMV, adds an extra layer of security.

No Mass Mailing and Monitored Drop Boxes

Under the new order, there will be no mass mailing of ballots. Instead, drop boxes will be monitored 24/7, ensuring that only legitimate ballots are collected and counted.

Certification and Non-Citizen Voting Prevention

The Executive Order mandates that the Commissioner of the Department of Elections must certify annually that these security measures are in place. This ensures ongoing compliance and accountability.

Additionally, procedures have been put in place to address non-citizens attempting to register to vote. Such cases will be referred to the local Commonwealth’s attorney and the Office of Attorney General for further action.

Community Engagement and Bipartisan Support

Governor Youngkin is promoting community engagement in election processes by encouraging people to become election officers. This grassroots approach aims to increase transparency and build trust in the electoral system.

While the order has received praise from some quarters, including former President Trump, it has also faced criticism from some Democrats who argue that many of these measures were already in place. However, Youngkin maintains that these security measures are non-partisan and crucial for election integrity.

With these comprehensive measures in place, Virginia is setting a high bar for election security. As we approach future elections, the Old Dominion stands ready to ensure that every legal vote is counted accurately, maintaining the integrity of the democratic process.


  1. Governor Glenn Youngkin Issues Executive Order to Codify Comprehensive Election Security Measures to Protect Legal Voters and Accurate Counts
  2. Youngkin issues executive order to strengthen election security
  3. Youngkin’s election security order gets Trump’s praise and Democratic criticism
  4. Youngkin mandates all paper ballots for presidential elections in Virginia
  5. Executive Order Number Thirty Five
  6. Youngkin mandates all paper ballots for presidential elections in Virginia
  7. Youngkin orders certification that election security measures are taken

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