(UnitedVoice.com) – President Donald Trump did what no other Republican was able to do: set the stage for the repeal of Roe v. Wade. The former POTUS did so by nominating three conservative justices to the court, who went on to reverse federal abortion protections. He has now issued a statement about where he stands on a federal ban.
On April 8, Trump released a video statement saying he believes abortion laws should be left to the states. He went on to say that he knows that some will have more conservative restrictions than others, but “it’s all about the will of the people.” The former president said, “That’s where we are right now, and that’s what we want.”
Trump had previously expressed support for a 16-week national ban, and also called Florida’s six-week ban a “terrible mistake.” The fury of women across the country has adversely impacted Republicans in multiple elections. That has left Trump trying to balance the desires of the religious right and his efforts to win back the support of the suburban women who helped propel him to victory in 2016.
The former president received blowback from people on both sides of the issue. Democrats and women’s groups are furious that his position means that under a Trump presidency, abortion would be almost completely banned in the South. President Joe Biden immediately released an ad showcasing the results of those bans and bashing Trump.
This is a painful story that so many families around America now know too well: Amanda was denied the medical care she needed, and it nearly took her life.
More than 1 in 3 women in America now lives under an abortion ban, with more on the way.
Donald Trump did this. pic.twitter.com/2vH8EdzIw8
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) April 8, 2024
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) broke with the majority of the GOP and attacked Trump on the issue. He argued that leaving it to the states “runs contrary to an American consensus” that late-term abortions should be limited.
I respectfully disagree with President Trump’s statement that abortion is a states’ rights issue.
Dobbs does not require that conclusion legally and the pro-life movement has always been about the wellbeing of the unborn child – not geography. https://t.co/WloOJ0ImaW
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) April 8, 2024
Trump responded to the criticism from Graham on TRUTH Social, saying he blamed himself for the senator because he supported him in his Senate race. He also said the lawmaker was “doing a great disservice” to the GOP by opposing his abortion views and told him to spend more time on border issues.
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