(UnitedVoice.com) – Former President Donald Trump held a rally in the Bronx on May 23. The native New Yorker traveled to the deep borough to try to peel more voters away from the incumbent POTUS, Joe Biden. Thousands of people attended the rally.
Trump’s rally took place at Crotona Park in the South Bronx as part of his effort to reach out to Black and Hispanic voters, two voting blocs that Biden is losing at a rapid pace. The former president’s campaign said 25,000 people turned out for the rally. However, law enforcement stated the number was actually between 8,000 to 10,000 people. Regardless, the total number far exceeds the 3,500 people initial estimates projected to attend.
During his speech, Trump told the crowd he was there to “declare we are going to turn New York City around” and make it “bigger, better, and greater than ever before.” He called the Big Apple “a city in decline,” highlighting the attacks on the subway and the homeless crisis.
Trump also attacked Biden in the speech, calling him “grossly incompetent.” He told the crowd that he would work with Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams to tackle the issues in the state.
When Trump talked about immigration, an issue impacting the city, people chanted, “Build the wall” and “Send them back.”
In 2016, Trump received less than 10% of the vote in the Bronx. Four years later, his support grew, and he won over 15%, with Biden getting 83.5% of the vote. Political experts believe Trump’s support among black and Hispanic voters could grow even more in 2024.
The last time New York flipped red was in 1980, when Ronald Reagan won. The Trump campaign is hoping to repeat history this time. During the rally, he asked attendees, “Who said we’re not going to win New York? We’re going to win New York.”
In 2020, Trump received only 37.7% of the vote. A recent Siena College poll showed Biden leading by a paltry 9%.
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