(UnitedVoice.com) – Haiti is in a state of chaos. Criminal gangs have managed to take control of the country and essentially exiled the prime minister, who has agreed to resign. The United States military has now taken action to keep Americans safe.
On March 13, US Southern Command announced the Department of State requested the military deploy troops to Haiti to guard the US Embassy located in Port-au-Prince, the country’s capital. SOUTHCOM responded by deploying a US Marine Fleet-Anti-terrorism Security Team (FAST). The team will “maintain strong security capabilities” and relieve the Marines who are currently there “and allow additional non-emergency personnel” to leave the embassy.
SOUTHCOM also stated that the Defense Department has increased the funding for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission in Haiti. The Pentagon is working with the governments of Kenya and Haiti, as well as others, to try to restore security to the region. The US military will provide intelligence, medical, and air support.
The State Department began arranging for the departure of non-emergency personnel from the embassy in Haiti. The embassy remains open, but it’s running at a limited capacity. According to a March 10 statement from the US Embassy in Haiti, there is an increase in gang activity near the airport and in the neighborhood where the facility is located.
The violence in Haiti has been a problem for years. In 2021, assassins killed President Jovenel Moïse while he was in bed. Several people have been charged with his killing, including his widow, Martine Moïse, and other officials. Mrs. Moïse has said that she had nothing to do with his death.
The State Department issued a travel advisory for Haiti in July 2023. The government has told Americans to avoid traveling to the country because of “kidnapping, crime, civil unrest, and poor health care infrastructure.” Americans are often kidnapped in the country, forcing families to pay thousands of dollars for their release.
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